Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, March 1st, on Measures to Guarantee Equal Treatment and Opportunities for Women and Men in Employment and Occupation
Firstly, this regulation extends the requirement to draw up equality plans to companies with 50 or more employees and it also creates a register of these equality plans. Secondly, this law expressly regulates equal remuneration without discrimination, defines what is meant by "work of equal value" and establishes the obligation of all companies (regardless of the number of employees they have) to keep a register of the salaries of their staff disaggregated by sex. Moreover, the norm includes measures in order to promote the reconciliation of personal and family life and the principle of co-responsibility between parents, for example, equating the duration of parental leave for the birth of a child of both parents or a new co-responsible infant care benefit (for breastfeeding). Finally, it re-establishes the financing, by the General State Administration, of the social security contributions of the special agreement for non-professional caregivers of dependent persons.